#8 Harmonic Repetition

WR teaches that effects which are created ‘here’ and repeated everywhere. How is this achieved ?

Well, as the title of this post suggests, it is achieved through harmonic repetition. We know when a note is played on one instrument, the same note will oscillate on an adjacent instrument. In addition to this sympathetic coupling, a whole series of harmonics will also ring out from each instrument.

Those weak/strong accompanying oscillations have very definite and defined relationships to the keynote. But, those well defined relationships can be applied to any keynote.
Thus the note C is its own keynote, but it is also the M3 for the keynote G# !

Every musical note is thus connected to every other note. If we take C as the keynote, all the other omnipresent notes in the octave become aligned although not necessarily expressed. The note F expresses itself as the perfect 4th for the keynote C, yet expresses itself as the perfect 5th in Bb !

This means that every note has within itself the ability to express any relationship minor 2nd, major 6th to any other note. It just depends on the keynote you choose.

If we begin striking a C note within the seed wave field then, every adjacent wave field will oscillate and reflect the same note via sympathetic coupling. If we can now say, that the the strongest accompanying harmonic of C is the note G (Perfect 5th) then all the interval relationships to the note G° as its own keynote can now emerge, albeit faintly.

In short, the striking of one single note can thus unfold every other note to ring out and as result of harmonic projection/reflection, unfold every possible note within every wave field. So, whatever ever happens ‘here’ happens everywhere.

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